Dressing Room 8
Glamour, Giggles, and Goals
Episode 35: Not Friends, Now What?

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Episode 35: Not Friends, Now What?

Turning Pain into Power

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Ever found yourself at the end of a friendship wondering, “What’s next?” In this episode, you will dive deep into the often-overlooked heartbreak of friendship breakups. You’ll get practical tips and heartfelt advice on how to navigate the aftermath of a friendship fallout. Whether it's a dramatic end or a slow drift, you’ll learn how to reclaim your peace, redefine your boundaries, and embrace new opportunities. Tune in for a candid conversation on moving forward with confidence and grace when friends become strangers.


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Join our Glamour, Giggles, and Goals community to heal, grow, and find your strength after a friendship fallout. Embrace self-love, set boundaries, and uncover joy in the unexpected. Subscribe now and start your journey to empowerment!


Key Insights

  • Healing Starts with Acceptance: Acknowledge the end of the friendship and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with it. Acceptance is the first step toward healing.

  • Embrace Self-Love: Use this time to focus on yourself. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, reinforcing your sense of self-worth.

  • Find Joy in Solitude: Discover the power of enjoying your own company. Solitude can be a source of strength and personal growth.

  • Rebuild Your Support Network: Seek out new friendships and communities that align with your values and goals, such as the Glamour, Giggles, and Goals community.

  • Turn Pain into Purpose: Use the experience of a friendship breakup to learn and grow, transforming it into an opportunity for personal empowerment and a fresh start.


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Dressing Room 8
Glamour, Giggles, and Goals
Welcome into the dynamic and multifaceted world of a neurodivergent mom who masterfully balances entrepreneurship and content creation alongside her bustling family life. "Glamour, Giggles, and Goals" is an essential listen for any mom seeking to navigate the complexities of business and life while cherishing the essence of motherhood.